Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Running Vlog

It's no secret that running isn't my strong suit... I don't like it... but I want that to change!  I want to enjoy running and I want to do it well!  Here is a v-log (it's a little longer than the last one) but I did it while I was running... so sorry for the noise of the treadmill.  I know it's not super "interesting" but I am committed to bringing you guys along on the journey.. and this is part of my journey!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Coaching is amazing

Today we had our first swim GT.  It was a great time up in Nashville, and it was great for me to have a coach there.  I have never had a coach to help me through training.  Even though it's only been a week, I am learning so much already!  There's just something about having someone watch you that does 2 things; and with those 2 things, you have a choice to make.  

The first thing it does, is make you question everything you are doing:  2nd guessing yourself, etc.   Now here's the thing... getting in the water (or on the bike, or running) with someone who is better than you can be a little intimating, but it provides you with an opportunity to push through and improve! Even though I can feel a little self concious about my stroke, or whatever, I love working out with people that are more advanced than I am because it pushes me to do better, work harder.  

The second thing it does is give you a perspective other than your own.  Coaches have a view where they can see all aspects of how you swim (or bike, or run)-  and they can instruct you on how to improve.  I NEED THAT!   

When we receive instruction, we have a choice- we can either turn our cheek and not take it, keep pushing through the same way we always have, and thus not become the best athlete we can... OR we can take the instruction to heart and work on it.  Figure out how to implement it into our workout regiment.  That is how we improve.  That is how we become better.  I had a lot  to work on today, and I have not perfected it (or even gotten close) but I now know what I have to work on, and I will!  I know that as I improve these areas in my swim, it will make me a stronger swimmer and ultimately a better triathlete!  

Proverbs 4:13 says: "Take firm hold of instruction, do not let go; Keep her, for she is your life."  
Throughout my training, I choose to hold onto the instruction I receive from my coach.  I may not know how to implement it right away, and I may not "perfect it" or even catch on right away, but I will work at it, and I know I will benefit!

Do you receive instruction and coaching well?  If not, it might be something to consider because it will help you not only become a better athlete, but it will help you become a better person!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

On the dusty trail... Pixie Dust, that is!

**this post was written out last week but not published**

Hellloooooooooo Glisteners!!

I know. I know. It's been a while. We don't have very good excuses. In fact, we don't really have ANY excuses. We just flat out didn't post. Bad Bloggers! 
2014 New Years Resolution: 

Have more of a presense online! 

Here we goooooooooo! (Off to Neverland!) 

As I compose this, I'm getting ready for a fantastic weekend at my most favorite place in the (small) world!! If you haven't picked up on my not so subtle hints... I'm going to Disneyland!!! 

This weekend is the Tinker Bell Half Marathon weekend!

I'm signed up for not only the Half Marathon on Sunday, but I also registered for a 10K the day before! Craziness, I know! But I'm excited!

I'll have a full blog post up for you to recap the weekend but if anyone is interested in running a RunDisney race, check out their schedule of events at  I'll be participating in the Dumbo Double Dare Challenge this coming fall at the Disneyland Half Marathon weekend.

Till then, keep on Glistening!


Monday, January 20, 2014

Just a little training update!

Wow, who didn't finish the year out well with blogging?  US!!!  SOOOO SORRY!!!  
While we have been horrible bloggers, we both (Annie and I ) have been doing and are getting ready to do some really neat things!  Annie just got done with a 10K and half marathon (which she is going to post about soon) and I am training for my next triathlon !!!  This time I'm training with Team In Training:  it's a great organization to raise funds for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  I'm so honored to be a part of this team!  

This weekend was the official launch weekend for the tri team!  It has been GREAT!!!  On Saturday, we had our first group training (GT) and Endeavor Cycling.  This is one cool place!  I've been talking about "cadence training" for a long time- or at least thinking about it- but this past Saturday was the first time I actually did it.  I noticed such a difference in my training effort!  Knowing my cadence is so helpful because I feel like it strengthens my training session.  We rode indoors for about 45 minutes, but I was SWEATING FOR SURE!!!  On Sunday, I went for a swim at our local pool.  My day had not gone the best, and I wasn't in the best of moods, and to be honest, I didn't want to go swim.... But when I was having those thoughts, I immediately started thinking about why I signed up for TNT.  I signed up to be a part of something that is bigger than me.  The thought that got me through the beginning of my swim was: "Strickland, you don't really want to do this, but do you think that cancer patients really want to go through another round of chemo, or really want to go through another spinal tap?  NO!!!!  GET YOUR BUTT IN THAT POOL!  DO SOMETHING YOU DON'T REALLY WANT TO DO!  It's not about you!!!!"  Yes, I pep-talk to myself in the 3rd person... :)  Once I got in the pool and started swimming, all my problems "floated" away.  Everything that had been on my mind vanished, and I just swam... 35 laps... Today I went for my first run since Sept.  I was nervous about it, and although i didn't get to do the entire 30 minutes that was required of me today, I did get a mile in... I ended up running that mile in 12 minutes, which I was soooo surprised at (and pretty impressed with myself since I hadn't run since Sept.).  

Through all this, I realized even more, how excited I am to train with TEAM.  Even though I can barely make it through the workouts right now, I know that in 5 months when it is time for my Tri, I'll be able to do these distances with no problem!