Thursday, February 27, 2014

I'm sidelined from running for 2 weeks... but I'm still training!

A couple of weeks ago, my knee started hurting.  I had surgery on it in Dec. 2011, and finished therapy in spring of '12.  My knee HAS NOT HURT since then (thanks be to God!)  I did both my tris last summer with no knee pain.  So, you can imagine that when my knee started hurting once I reached mile 4 in my training, I was NOT HAPPY, and honestly, a little scared.  I waited a couple of weeks before mentioning it to my coach, and spent that time stretching, foam rolling and doing some old PT exercises (that I could remember)... and after 2 weeks, I finally texted my coach.  This was part of the conversation we had:

(Even though we have only been working together for about a month, she knows what I need to hear, and how I need to hear it~ for that I am thankful.  After this conversation with Coach, I actually had this thought run through my head: "when a professional athlete gets injured- no matter how "big" or "small" he/she ALWAYS goes and gets it checked out...why? because if it is bad, they want to get it taken care of, and if it isn't bad, they don't want it to get bad..."  Now, don't get me wrong- i'm not saying I'm a professional athlete... TRUST ME, I'M NOT (and my bank account proves that)... but for me, it was a little switch, that combined with my coach's statement, flipped my stubbornness off and made me call...
So, I went to the Dr. today to get my knee checked out.  He said a couple of things that it "could be" but he really isn't too worried about those things at this point, and he mainly said: "I think your knee just isn't happy with you."  Basically it is inflamed, and every time I run, it flares up.  Therefore, he has sidelined me from running for the next 2 weeks.  On week 3, i can start running again, but building back up to where I was.  I'm ok with this because I still get to swim and bike.  He told me to "go to town" with those things so i can keep my cardio up! I'll go back to see him at the end of 3 weeks, and I'm believing and praying that my knee will be completely healed.  
I'm going to leave you with this clip from one of my favorite movies: Zoolander... As I was driving home this evening, this clip popped into my head and it is a perfect description of how I feelt right now regarding running... When I could run, I never wanted to (honestly, that did start to chaange recently), but now that I can't (for a short time) I want to!!!  Anyways, I thought it was funny... and those who know me, know that I consistently have movie reels playing in my head.... 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Just because you're gone, doesn't mean you get to stop training

sometimes people think that just because you go on vacation, or on a work trip, that you have a "no-training pass"... this is not true (unless it's your scheduled DAY off... like mine is tomorrow)!  Just like when you are at home, you must MAKE time to exercise or train.  I had to do some rearranging because I was supposed to ride my bike on 2 days while I'm gone, but I couldn't take my bike with me to Florida and Texas (even thought I would have loved to)... So, I basically just switched my "run" and "ride" days.  I can run anywhere... today, I REALLY enjoyed my run... I got to run in Florida at the beach!!!  My pace was a little slower than I did with my coach last week, but I was taking in the scenery of the 4 miles I ran!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Piece of Humble Pie? Why Not...

Throughout my life, when it comes to athletics, I've been pretty quick to pick up new skills... Not saying I have them perfected right away, but I at least pick up the gist of them... Today while in the pool, Coach introduced us to a new way of kicking; it's called the "2-beat kick".  This is supposed to be extremely helpful for our tri.  WHY?  By utilizing the 2-beat kick, you save a bunch of energy, and you save your legs for the other 2/3 of the race (cycling and running).  The basic idea is that instead of "flutter kicking", or kicking however you want, with the 2-beat kick, you only kick when your hand enters the water... oh, and it's supposed to be opposite hand/leg... I tried so hard to get it down.. really, I did, but something just didn't click.  I was getting very frustrated because I couldn't figure it out!  Towards the end of my workout, I started being able to slow my kick down, but I was stuck on same arm/same leg... not opposite (thank you basketball).  This is not a normal feeling for me.  I mean, it wasn't even pretty... I'm not going to let this get me down, or stop me, but I am going to allow it to DRIVE ME... I'm going to work my "tail" off to get this down... I want to perform my race to the best of my ability, using the energy I have, most effectively, and mastering the 2-beat kick(or at least figuring it out)... I'll keep you updated.
Here's to swimming!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Preparing to ride in the COLD!!!!!

Tomorrow, my TEAMmate Amy and I are joining the cycling team in helping to "bike marshal" the Hot Chocolate 15K/5K race.  While everyone is running, we are going to ride and basically be "aid" to the runners if needed... The race is donating $50 to each of us towards our fundraising goal as a thank-you... 

If you would like to donate towards ending blood cancers, click here:  

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

God is so faithful, and He care about the small details of our life!

(I'm just going to apologize for the long post, now... but please, read to the end... It's a good one, I promise.) ;)
The past week and a half has been a breakthrough time for me.  2 days in particular... I had to leave my comfort zone (running inside on a treadmill) Let me explain:
Monday, Feb. 3 was not my best swim... I was off.. I'm not sure why, but my body was not doing what I wanted it to do.. breathing was off, stroke was off, I was sinking!  After texting my coach for some guidence and encouragement on Tuesday, I took to the pool again on Wednesday morning (breakthrough day one).  There was temptation to allow the poor swim of Monday to linger, but instead of doing that, I pressed into the Lord.  I prayed, asked the Lord to help me, and HE DID!  (no surprise there)  It was like something in my mind had shifted~ i felt like my stroke was right on, my breathing was WAY BETTER, I wasn't sinking (which is always good in a pool)... I left that pool feeling like I could conquer the WORLD!  Thursday, I rode my bike, and then Saturday we had another session with Todd!  This was probably the hardest session we have had, but it was soo good!  It was a great opportunity to make a choice... give into my mind and body thought were it's limitations, or I could push through... I chose to push through, and it was well worth it.  
Then came Saturday night... I'm not 100% sure why I texted Coach the question I did, becuse I already knew what she was going to answer (the text was about my comfort zone and how I needed to leave that, but part of her answer, I didn't expect.  She offered to meet me in Brentwood (about half way between our homes) and run with me on Sunday!  I immediately said 'YES!!!!' Then, I almost just as quickly started wondering why in the world I said yes?!  She was going to make me run... and run a lot.. So Sunday rolled around (breakthrough day 2), I went to church, lunch, errands, then headed up to meet with Coach.  As I was driving up, I had multiple conversations: 1 with a friend, 1 with my aunt and the most important one was with God.... I NEEDED THIS RUN TO GO WELL... As you all know, I've said for quite a while that 'running was my weakest event' or 'i'm no good at running'.  It was time to break that down!  I needed to change my mindset and the words that I spoke over myself!  The Lord had been showing me that over the week, and then my coach told me on our run: "You need to start saying that you CAN do this and stop saying the negative things."  So we ran... and ran... and ran... (ok, we actually walked some too, which was really helpful.  We ran for 4 minutes, walked 1 (and repeat))...  at the end of my run, I found out that we actually did 4 miles in 46 minutes and I ran at my fastest pace ever!!  WAHOO!!!  As I ran, I was talking with Coach, but I was also talking with the Lord.  The Bible says that "His strength is made perfect in our weakness."  This was shown during this run... Yes, I was doing the physical run, but emotionally, it was the power of the Holy Spirit that was getting me through... That was gently encouraging me to put one foot in front of the other and not give up.  After we got done running, my hips and the top of my foot started hurting.. We had another text conversation about this, and it was determined that I needed to get new shoes...
Oh great... I know I need new shoes, but I serious had NO IDEA HOW I WAS GOING TO PAY FOR THEM!!!!  I have ZERO EXTRA MONEY, and honestly, new shoes was not in the budget.... So, what do I do?  I pray, and pray hard!  This is where some people might think I'm crazy.. praying for shoes?  It seems so little, or vain, or ??  But I'm a firm believer that God cares not only about the BIG things in our lives, but He deeply cares about the small details of our lives too... So I prayed and trusted that the Lord would provide shoes for me somehow.
On Monday night, I posted this to our private "Tri-team" facebook page:   Stacee Strickland I'm no planning on completely following in your footsteps, but I too am taking tomorrow off of running... Yesterday's GREAT run has left me super sore, and I'm having some pretty intense tenderness on the top of my feet... Coach and I have determined that it is because my shoes are old and laces tied to tight... so, I'm going to give riding a try, but ice, ice, ICE!!! Looking forward to the pool Wednesday am!
Then i went to bed... I woke up to this private message from one of my teammates:    I read your post about you shoes. You have to have good shoes - especially while training. And this cannot wait. Come to Brentwood Fleet Feet at your earliest opportunity and I will buy you a pair. Seriously. If you keep running in those shoes, you will injure yourself and we can't have that. Let me know when you can meet me there.
Um.. seriously?  Did I read that right?  YES I DID!!!!  Oh my word! God totally just gave me shoes by the generosity of my teammate!  And let me just point out that our team has only really been together for about 6 weeks... So, I met up with my teammate today and we got myself new shoes!  I NEVER ONCE MENTIONED how I couldn't afford to get new shoes (prior to that message from my teammate)... GOD CARES ABOUT THE DETAILS IN OUR LIVES!  HOW COOL IS GOD?!??!?!?!?  He cares about the big issue of my finances, and then He also cares about the small detail of me needing new running shoes, and sends my teammate to buy them for me.  I had no idea how the Lord was going to come through on this one, but He absolutely did, and I am SOO greatful!  I now can't wait to get out and run with my new shoes.  They are lightweight, yet supportive, and they are an awesome bright yellow!  Here's a picture!  
It was soo worth me leaving my comfort zone this week, in at least 2 of the 3 sports.  It was scary, but it was way easier with the partnership of my coach and my team.  I absolutely LOVE training with TEAM, and my TEAM in particular.  I'll be honest in that it doesn't look exactly as I thought it was going to, but it is exactly what it needs to be!