Thursday, February 27, 2014

I'm sidelined from running for 2 weeks... but I'm still training!

A couple of weeks ago, my knee started hurting.  I had surgery on it in Dec. 2011, and finished therapy in spring of '12.  My knee HAS NOT HURT since then (thanks be to God!)  I did both my tris last summer with no knee pain.  So, you can imagine that when my knee started hurting once I reached mile 4 in my training, I was NOT HAPPY, and honestly, a little scared.  I waited a couple of weeks before mentioning it to my coach, and spent that time stretching, foam rolling and doing some old PT exercises (that I could remember)... and after 2 weeks, I finally texted my coach.  This was part of the conversation we had:

(Even though we have only been working together for about a month, she knows what I need to hear, and how I need to hear it~ for that I am thankful.  After this conversation with Coach, I actually had this thought run through my head: "when a professional athlete gets injured- no matter how "big" or "small" he/she ALWAYS goes and gets it checked out...why? because if it is bad, they want to get it taken care of, and if it isn't bad, they don't want it to get bad..."  Now, don't get me wrong- i'm not saying I'm a professional athlete... TRUST ME, I'M NOT (and my bank account proves that)... but for me, it was a little switch, that combined with my coach's statement, flipped my stubbornness off and made me call...
So, I went to the Dr. today to get my knee checked out.  He said a couple of things that it "could be" but he really isn't too worried about those things at this point, and he mainly said: "I think your knee just isn't happy with you."  Basically it is inflamed, and every time I run, it flares up.  Therefore, he has sidelined me from running for the next 2 weeks.  On week 3, i can start running again, but building back up to where I was.  I'm ok with this because I still get to swim and bike.  He told me to "go to town" with those things so i can keep my cardio up! I'll go back to see him at the end of 3 weeks, and I'm believing and praying that my knee will be completely healed.  
I'm going to leave you with this clip from one of my favorite movies: Zoolander... As I was driving home this evening, this clip popped into my head and it is a perfect description of how I feelt right now regarding running... When I could run, I never wanted to (honestly, that did start to chaange recently), but now that I can't (for a short time) I want to!!!  Anyways, I thought it was funny... and those who know me, know that I consistently have movie reels playing in my head.... 

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